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Andy Warhol Pop-Up Cafe

27 Mar, 2014

Andy Warhol Pop-Up Cafe

Damn it Japan. You’ve done it again. You’ve impressed us as you always have by pushing the culture forward. We do our best with sustainable fashion, but you just take it to the next level this time with the Andy Warhol Cafe.

You’ve heard of pop up shops, but how about a pop up cafe? The Mori Art Museum in Tokyo has a great new exhibit featuring the Pop Art god Andy Warhol aka the guy who screenprinted the Campbell’s Soup can.

As part of the exhibit, they opened the cafe to feature clean, colorful, and simple American cuisine. Pretty sure it’s not what Andy would’ve ate, but at least the burgers are literally BRANDED to his legacy. It seems like something Kanye West and DONDA would do.